Tuesday, May 6, 2008



Thyrotoxicosis = Excessive thyroid hormone
Hyperthyroidism = Excessive thyroid function
[Harrison's Internal Medicine, 16e]
Robbin 提到,both can be use interchageably...
(8e, pg 759)

在 Hashimoto's Thyroiditis (和其他 thyroiditis)
出现的 transient increase of thyroid hormone
Prof Nor Hayati 的 theory:
"...compensation to the destruction of thyroid tissue,
increase in TSH, hyperplasia of thyroid follicular cell,
increase in thyroid hormone synthesis..."
一就是他的 theory 不知从什么最新的 journal 找到的

不然,Robbin 和 Basic & Clinical Endocrinology
都说 transient increase of thyroid hormone
is due to disruption of thyroid follicles
lead to secondary srealease of preformed thyroid hormone...
而当时的 TSH decreased, iodine uptake decrease...
照理说thyroid function 是少的咯
哪来的compensatory synthesis of thyroid hormone 呐?!

"Please dun depend only on textbook... Sometimes you hav to read some journal..."
在读 journal 之前
是不是应该先读一遍 textbook

Tutor Guide 上 Hyponatriemea in hypothyroidism 地解释
因为 "explaination from physiologist" 实在是没有说服力!!!
书上和网上都说 hyponatriemea is due to reduce GFR
--> Reduce free water clearance
--> Water intoxication
--> Dilutional hyponatriemia....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

According to prof nor hayati: both hyperthyroidism and thyrotoxicosis can be interchangable but my pbl dr from medical department said that in thyrotoxicosis, amount of thyroid hormone is increase but thyroid gland is functioning normally (may be pt take hormone therapy?). In hyperthyroidism the thyroid gland 's function is abnormal causing increase activity and amount of thyroid hormone.

About the hyponatremia, in " pathophysiology of disease : an introduction to clinical medicine" , ( page 582 ) it said that there is reduced renal blood flow n decreased GFR. the vasoconstriction may be due to decreased concentration of plasma ANP. The consequent reduced ability to excrete a water load may cause hyponatremia. However, the serum creatinine level is usually normal.

This is all i know about it. Any new explaination pls let me know. Thx.